When I was young, I jolted down this narrow canyon in my hot jalopy, windows open, inferno winds in my hair.  The river below green and cool as it raced me to the sea.  On the beach, I ran, jumped in the frigid ocean and shouted for no reason.  I drank cheap beer, ate greasy food and slept in the sand.

Today, the canyon is a crucible but I glide along in refrigerated comfort.  The river creeps, sluggish and yellow.  The wind has died.  I drink fine wine but avoid the crowded beach.  Have I changed? Or has the world?

Image by Simon Matzinger via

This story first appeared at 


looking  down
into the koi pond
I see a rainbow reflected
from the sky above

If I look up
will I see
koi swimming
in the clouds?

Image by Elliot Andrews via


This Beach, In Summer

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

This beach, in summer, is full of life; Bright human life, pushing all other bits of consciousness aside.

A family group, mostly males, flying dangerously large kites to the squealing encouragement of the females.  Elders, walking slowly and frowning at their mates, but mostly perturbed by the shenanigans of youngsters.   Volleyballers, runners, sitters, sunbathers, readers.  Solitary walkers with bumptious dogs.   And a boy who named himself “Siegfried the Dog”.  A single child at sunset, bent in contemplation of a seashell as the tide slips quietly out.

Oh for the cold, sandblasted landscape of winter, when we others will have space.


Featured image by Ray Hennessy via



Yellow Azalea

riptide winds
stir the pine trees

scent of spring
yellow azalea
childhood memories

at sunset
a single star
awaits night

Image by Robin Anderson

As the Crows Fly

birds in flight at sunset

Each evening, one half hour before sunset, crows fly to roost

Copper light by strange alchemy turned silver on the black gloss of their wings

To light the moon or the night gold eyes of owls and bats

And to draw in the hapless moth for a midnight snack


Image by Diego PH via Unsplash


Dune Grass

yesterday was hot
but today the fog came
over the dunes, slipping
off the rooftops and
around corners
softening everything

we left doors and windows open
even the stuffy corners held the promise
of Fall

Image by Robin Anderson

Mr. Crow Takes a Walk

Take a walk they said, you’ll like it they said, something different, a new point of view they said.  So I’m walkin’ here, I’m  walkin’ there.  Always late, missin’ out on the  best food, the best views.  But ya know what, I like it.  Givin’ the wings a rest.  Takin’ my time.

Thing is, I’ve forgotten how to fly.

Image by Gio Diani via Unsplash