Mean Tide

She rode into town on a mean tide.  Exhausted and dirty, she figured she was washed up, done for.  But in the morning she changed her mind, cleaned up and put on the paint that made her feel young again.  At an open air market she picked up a fellow and decided to go back to the old ways, the siren song, maybe lure him to his death?

No luck.  Instead he placed her on a shelf with glass floats and a wooden fish.

Now she dreams of the sea.

Image by Robin Anderson


Crow in Tree Tops

Raucous caws, black silhouettes against gray clouds circling without formation, guided by sky-touching spires of firs. She remembers last year’s ravaged corn. She remembers “The Birds.” They are powerful, smart and numerous. They inspire primal fear, admiration and covetous love. And arise from more ancient stock than she.

Image by Becky Kjelstrom

Physics or Art

If I say to you white is all, black is absence. If you say to me black is all and white is absence. Are we talking about light or pigment? Are we talking about physics or art? Or are we cheering the home team?

Decay of velvet
Heathens among the roses
Thorns, attar of dirt

Image by Rodion Kutsaev via


a drabble by Becky Kjelstrom

The Grundvig chin. The whole family gets it. Dominant gene. My baby won’t. CRSPR is new officially not for sale. My baby will have a perfect chin. Money buys on demand birth and good drugs. But I still have to push. C-Section leaves a scar, visible if you go Brazilian.

Despite the numbness, I feel her coming. She’s howling mad. Mate cuts the cord, nurse wipes her off and hands her to me. I look at baby, mate, baby. My turn to howl, raw anguish.

The Wilson receding chin. Recessive gene. We didn’t correct for that.


They like viewing art together.  They go to the museum or a new gallery and view the art.  They talk about it, there, at the museum or gallery and later, in a coffee shop or restaurant or while walking down the street or even late at night, at home.  They discuss and dissect the art they’ve viewed together, what they liked or didn’t like, how it made them feel.  Looking at art is one of the things they enjoy doing together, in public.

There are other things they enjoy doing together, but those things cannot be done in public.

Image by Steven Tannenbaum