My Immune System

“What?  What is that?  Oh. My. God!  What did you let in?”

“It’s no big deal.  I just saw my doctor, it was time.”

“Are you kidding me?  It’s huge, it’s going to foul everything.  I’ll be cleaning up this mess for a week!”

“Calm down.  Why do you always make such a big deal–“

“Calm down!  Big deal!  How dare you.”

“Stop.  You’re giving me a headache.”

“You’re supposed to be on my side, you asshole!  You’re going to have more than a headache.”

“Why are you being so hysterical?”

“I’ve had it with you!  Five years ago it was shingles!  Now this!”

“Uhhhh.  I feel sick . . .”

“You bet you do.  And it’s gonna get worse.  Pneumonia vaccine my ass.  I’ll show you pneumonia.”

Image by Hannah Fulop

PS.  This is an imagined conversation between myself and my immune system.  It is not an anti-vaccination manifesto.  GET VACCINATED.  Even if your immune system is a wuss.  RA


As the Crows Fly

birds in flight at sunset

Each evening, one half hour before sunset, crows fly to roost

Copper light by strange alchemy turned silver on the black gloss of their wings

To light the moon or the night gold eyes of owls and bats

And to draw in the hapless moth for a midnight snack


Image by Diego PH via Unsplash

Haiku for October 29th

I enjoy my consciousness
he said, but then died
leaving us to enjoy ours


Image by Chris Anderson courtesy of the Estate of Chris Anderson